How to Bridge USDz and sUSDz

Bridge USDz or sUSDz:

USDz is available on Ethereum Mainnet, Base, and Blast. See our Smart Contracts page for USDz smart contracts on each network.

Bridging USDz

  1. Head to Anzen's Bridge page at

Anzen's Bridge is powered by LayerZero. This permits a safe and stable USDz on multiple chains.

Anzen's Cross chain Bridge is powered by Layer Zero. You can bridge USDz on Ethereum, Base, and Blast.
  1. Select the From network. This will be the network you currently hold USDz in. If you're holding USDz and your wallet is connected to Anzen, you will see your USDz balance in that chain in the 'Send' box.

Select the network you want to bridge from.
  1. Select the To network. This is the chain you want to bridge your USDz to.

Select the network you want to bridge to.
  1. Make sure the Recipient Address is correct. This will be your wallet address.

  2. Gas Fee will show the cost of bridging.

  3. If you are satisfied with the rate of receiving USDz, select Bridge.

  4. Check the transaction in your wallet and select Sign

  5. The Bridge transaction may take a few minutes. You will see a Bridge USDz in progress notification on Anzen. You can track the tx through the link in the right-hand box.

Bridging USDz on Anzen is quick and simple.
  1. You will now see USDz on your selected chain and the transaction Status will update to 'Complete'

Bridge sUSDz (Staked USDz)

To bridge staked USDz, change the token in the Send box to sUSDz.

Bridge sUSDz on Ethereum Mainnet, Base, or Blast.

Checking Bridge TX

You can always check the TX on by pasting the Tx Hash on the originating chain. For example, if you are bridging FROM Base, paste in the Basescan TX linked on Anzen's website to check the Status on LayerZero Scan.

Last updated