Backing Assets / Collateral


USDz is backed by a carefully selected, diversified portfolio of private credit assets, based on specific underwriting criteria and stringent portfolio risk controls.


RWAs, when digitized on blockchain platforms, combine the tangible economic value of physical assets with the efficiency and flexibility of digital transactions.

Real-world assets tokenized by Anzen have been vetted by qualified holders and pledged on-chain as collateral backing.

USDz's Collateral and Backing Assets Criteria

The portfolio is designed with the following criteria in mind:

  • The assets are based in the United States. Consequently, the portfolio's exposure is primarily in the US market, which reduces the risk associated with international economic fluctuations.

  • There are concentration limits on any single asset. This means that the portfolio is always diversified across a minimum number of different assets, creating a balanced risk profile and minimizing the impact of any single asset's performance on the overall portfolio.

  • The portfolio only includes asset-backed securities (ABS) structures. This means that all the notes that are part of the portfolio are collateralized, providing an added layer of security for the investors and reducing the risk of default.

📖 See our Transparency Page for insights into Anzen Backing Assets:

USDz is not an investment product. Information shared about the collateral does not create any relationship between USDz and the collateral or claims for USDz holders to the collateral assets. Any information provided is purely for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell securities or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities.

Last updated